First using the inserted picture determine if you are at risk. A quick method of determining if you are at risk includes scouting 100 plants from the field (5 areas of 20 ears each). Fields with 25 % of the ears having mould growth should be harvested sooner rather
than later.
A) Prioritize your corn harvest and storage. If producers have 2009 crop corn still left on the farm it is important to not mix it with potentially mouldy corn from this harvest. Livestock producers, especially hog, will want to scout fields, sample and test for mycotoxins in order to store their cleanest corn for feeding purposes. Cash croppers are advised that the same process of keeping clean corn segregated from mouldy corn may result in some increased marketing opportunities over the upcoming months.
B) As a general rule, harvest infected fields early. Mycotoxin levels have the potential to build the longer you leave the corn in the field. Once corn moisture is below 18%, mould fungi become dormant and cease to produce mycotoxins.
C) High temperature drying stops mould growth and mycotoxin production but does not reduce mycotoxins already present. Optimum temperature for mould growth is 28oC; mould stops growing at >30 degrees C. Quick drying is preferred over low heat drying. Be wary of low temperature in bin dryers for mouldy corn and be sure proper ventilation requirements are met for storing dry corn.
D) Leave tip kernels attached to the cob if possible by running the combine at full capacity with concave settings open and cylinder speed set low. Screens on the bottom of the grain elevator, the bottom of the return elevator and on the unload auger will also help screen out the fines.
E) Set the combine to provide high levels of wind to blow out the lighter infected kernels. Gibberella ear rot infection results in kernel damage. As noted above, cob pieces and the fines (kernel tips and red dog) contain higher concentrations. Be careful combine
adjustments do not result in kernel damage. The sample could be downgraded and increase potential storage problems.
F) Additional post-combine grain cleaning with rotary screen type cleaners has been shown to be effective in reducing mycotoxin levels in the remaining grain. This
method has the most significant impact on grain samples with low to moderate mycotoxin levels.
than later.
A) Prioritize your corn harvest and storage. If producers have 2009 crop corn still left on the farm it is important to not mix it with potentially mouldy corn from this harvest. Livestock producers, especially hog, will want to scout fields, sample and test for mycotoxins in order to store their cleanest corn for feeding purposes. Cash croppers are advised that the same process of keeping clean corn segregated from mouldy corn may result in some increased marketing opportunities over the upcoming months.
B) As a general rule, harvest infected fields early. Mycotoxin levels have the potential to build the longer you leave the corn in the field. Once corn moisture is below 18%, mould fungi become dormant and cease to produce mycotoxins.
C) High temperature drying stops mould growth and mycotoxin production but does not reduce mycotoxins already present. Optimum temperature for mould growth is 28oC; mould stops growing at >30 degrees C. Quick drying is preferred over low heat drying. Be wary of low temperature in bin dryers for mouldy corn and be sure proper ventilation requirements are met for storing dry corn.
D) Leave tip kernels attached to the cob if possible by running the combine at full capacity with concave settings open and cylinder speed set low. Screens on the bottom of the grain elevator, the bottom of the return elevator and on the unload auger will also help screen out the fines.
E) Set the combine to provide high levels of wind to blow out the lighter infected kernels. Gibberella ear rot infection results in kernel damage. As noted above, cob pieces and the fines (kernel tips and red dog) contain higher concentrations. Be careful combine
adjustments do not result in kernel damage. The sample could be downgraded and increase potential storage problems.
F) Additional post-combine grain cleaning with rotary screen type cleaners has been shown to be effective in reducing mycotoxin levels in the remaining grain. This
method has the most significant impact on grain samples with low to moderate mycotoxin levels.
Check your fields before you harvest and develop a plan if you do see ear mould infection. Have a safe harvest.
Source: http://nkcropbarometer.wordpress.com/